THIS is how you give her the best sex of her life at any age

Pair ProblemSure, you may have lost a step or two.

And yes, you probably can’t go all night long like you used to (or like you pretended you used to) in your 20s.

But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to be able to absolutely melt her face the next time that you to go at, regardless of how many birthday candles you last blew out.

There are a bunch of different things you can do to really make sure that the next time you to get together is maybe the most memorable time she’s ever had (outside of the first time, of course).

With these tips and tricks below, you’re going to be able to really crank up the heat in the bedroom (or outside of the better, as the case may be).

Ready to jump right in?

Spook her

We’re not talking about renting a couple of thrillers or slashers and going at it right after the inevitable scene when the blonde hides behind those chainsaws in that battered barn over there.

What we are talking about is triggering a triple threat reaction of a bit of fear, a bit of adrenaline, and a flood of endorphins – all at the exact same time.

There’s a reason why so many people have reported that they have the best sex of their lives with they are a little bit afraid of getting caught, or somehow “risking it all” with their partner when they are getting it on.

According to sociologists in San Diego who have been studying this phenomenon for more than 20 years, there is a close link between fear, adrenaline, and the release of endorphins during sex that can really put things over-the-top.

If you want to make sure that the next time you two get together it’s something that she never forgets, find a way to raise the stakes or of the ante and you’ll be practically guaranteeing things are going to be quite unlike any other time!

Spank her

There’s a fine line between a little bit of rough play and something that is anything but cool, and you need to make sure that you’re walking that line without ever going past of the respectful boundaries that she’s already established.

There is definitely something to be said of about very intimate relations, calm, cool, and collected sex that is rhythmic and just kind of “goes with the flow”. A lot of times this is exactly what she’s going to be looking for, as women (and a ton of men) closely relate intimacy with sex.

However, there are definitely times when she’s going to be expecting you to go a little bit caveman and bring the aggressive action.

Again, you’re going to want to make sure that you two are on the exact same page when this is about to go down, and you need to make sure that you are bringing the heat in the right way. It’s not a bad idea to come up with some kind of safe word so that anyone can “checkout” if things are getting a little bit out of hand, but you also want to make sure that you aren’t mailing this kind of performance ether.

Men's Health ProblemStare down

Numerous research studies have shown that eye contact, prolonged eye contact, during sex can completely and totally transform the experience for both parties.

For whatever reason, a lot of people are having sex “blindfolded”, shutting their eyes for the majority of the session and only throwing passing glances at one another. The eyes really are the window of the soul, and there is a real transfer of dominance and intimacy when you are able to lock eyes when you’re having sex.

This has also been proven to dramatically increase the effectiveness of impotence and erectile dysfunction solutions like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and other sildenafil based products. There is a psychosomatic link between the chemical reaction and your central nervous system, and it’s really going to take things to entirely new levels for the two of you. So don’t be ashamed, just click here to buy viagra.


Speaking of Viagra and erectile dysfunction, if you’re having any difficulty whatsoever “rising to the occasion”, you may want to speak to a medical professional at your earliest convenience and see if they can hook you up with some “sex steroids”.

Viagra and other sildenafil based products have been designed and developed from the ground up to make sure that you’re able to enjoy sex whenever the mood strikes.

If you feel that you are handicapped in this department in any way whatsoever, you need to make sure that you remedy the situation as soon as you can.